How To Page
How To: Prolong Vase Life of Flowers
- Start by cleaning your flower vase thoroughly with soap and water, and rinsing well.
- Add fresh water and use the flower food included with your flower arrangement as per instructions.
- Be sure to remove any leaves that may end up in the water.
- Cut 1/2 an inch off of the stem diagonally before placing it in the water.
- Re-cut the stems and change the water every couple days for a long lasting bouquet!

How To: Houseplants
- A general rule of thumb for houseplants is that they like bright but indirect sunlight and
they like to be allowed to dry out a bit between waterings.
- If your plant starts to wilt then you'll know that it needs water immediately and that it should be watered more frequently.
- If your plant starts to look faded, or the tips are drying out then it is in too much sun.
- If it looks weak or thin and has sparse growth, it needs more sun.
- There are many different types of houseplants and there is a very specific care method for each.
For more detailed information try researching your plant to find out what it likes best.

How To: General Garden Tips
- To mark your plants without having a garden of plastic sticks, use flat stones of varying sizes
and a permanent marker for a much more natural (and eco friendly!) look.
- To change your pink hydrangeas to blue make sure the pH of your soil is relatively high
(add organic material such as coffee grounds, fruit and veggie peels, grass clippings etc.) and
then add a solution of aluminium sulphate to soil around the plant (1/2oz or 1 tbsp. per gallon of water).
- Deadhead! Removing old heads and preventing your plants from going to seed will promote more blooms!
- Remove your tulip bulbs after the foliage starts to die down and yellow in the early summer, remove the foliage
and soil then keep them someplace dry and cool for the rest of the summer and re-plant them in the fall,
this will prevent the chance of rot or tulip fire which will allow you to keep the same bulbs for longer.
- Potted plants and hanging baskets dry out much faster than beds, be sure to keep an eye on them and
water frequently during the summer.
- The next time you boil or steam vegetables use the remaining water to water your potted plants.
- The fastest way to dry herbs is to lay a sheet of newspaper on the seat of your car, space the herbs out so
they aren't overlapping, roll up the windows and close the doors. you car will smell great too!
- To prevent your string trimmer line from breaking, give it a spray of vegetable oil before installing it.
- To prevent dirt under your fingernails while you work in your garden, draw your fingernails across a bar of soap,
this will seal your fingernails. When you're all done gardening simply brush under your nails in warm water to
remove the soap and leave them clean.

How To: Flower Arrangements
Under Construction

How To: Decorating with Flowers
Under Construction

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help you.
613-831-4399 or 1-888-753-3789 or Email : hazeldeanflorist@gmail.com
455 Hazeldean Road, Kanata, ON K2L 1V1
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